January 7, 2008

Season 5 Premiere . . . Soooo Anticlimactic

Okay, this is the teaser post while I compose a thoughtful response and meticulous reflection on the Season 5 premiere. I just have to say that the episode that aired was the exact same show that was posted on OurChart.com a week in advance. For some reason I thought it would have some variation. Ah well, I crowded into a small dyke bar in San Francisco on a rainy night, wall-to-wall lesbians, packed so tight I could hardly move, just to watch the same episode I could have watched on the internet from the comfort of my own home. I guess it was worth the experience; fire hazard for sure, but at least the bartender with the mullet was cute.
Anyway, here's what to expect when I release the critique of the first episode in the next few days: Max's conflation of sex and gender and the interaction between Max and Alice regarding trans inclusiveness in the gay and lesbian community. Tasha and Alice, the military and "don't ask, don't tell," and the invisibility or hypervisibility of the black lesbian. Jenny, oh endearing Jenny, in a shift from purely annoying bad writer to the comical exaggeration of Hollywood success and connections to Pink's video "Stupid Girls."
Until then . . .

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